digital art car with woman driving

Auto Refinancing

You’re pre-qualified!

To access the personalized offer from your email or letter, use code PREQUALIFYAUTO1 when you apply.

Available Rates & Terms

Your personalized, pre-qualified offer to refinance is available in the letter or email you received recently. For additional flexibility, we also offer the rates and terms listed below.

New/Used Auto Loan Refinance Rates – Cars, Trucks, SUVs and Motorcycles
Model YearTermAPR‍1 As Low AsMonthly Payment
2022 or newer24 months6.99%$671.52
36 months6.19%$457.62
48 months6.39%$354.96
60 months6.59%$294.12
72 months6.89%$254.94
84 months7.69%$231.48
2021 and older‍224 months6.29%$666.77
36 months6.44%$459.33
48 months6.69%$357.04
60 months6.94%$296.59
72 months7.49%$259.28
84 months8.24%$235.59
Accurate as of 02/27/2025

eStatements and automatic payments are required to receive listed rates. Payments based on $15,000 loan.

Get Rewarded to Choose Connexus

When you refinance with an Auto Loan with Connexus, you get all this too:

  • Up to 90 Days of No Payments Available Upon Request3
  • No Application, Annual, or Prepayment Fees
  • 24/7 Digital Banking Access

Your car. For less.

Love your car, but not what it costs you? We can help!

When you bring your auto loan to Connexus from your current lender, your personalized offer to save isn’t all you’ll get. We’ll also treat you to 90 days of no monthly car payments upon request3.

Check out the video to learn more about our quick and easy refinancing process or click below to redeem your exclusive offer to refinance and save.

Start my refinance

Why Refinance With Connexus?

When you bring your auto loan to Connexus from another lender, you’ll walk away with much more than a lower monthly payment. In fact, we pull out all the stops to give you an experience so stellar, you’ll become a member for life. To that end, here are just a few of the exclusive perks you can take advantage of:

Personalized Offer to Save

Lower your interest rate or monthly payment with a pre-qualified offer just for you. Details will arrive in a personalized email or letter.

Up to 90 Days No Payments3

Nothing better than that new car smell… except for three months of no payments. Request it and it’s yours.

Refinancing as Easy as 1, 2, 3, 4

We take refinancing back to basics. In just four simple, stress-free steps, we’ll help you lower your rate and payment.

Less Nickel-and-Diming, More Savings

At Connexus, fees just aren’t our style. That means no annual fees, prepayment penalties, or funds due at closing.

Amped-Up Security for Peace of Mind

Safety first! Protect your vehicle and financial well-being with Debt ProtectionGAP Protection, and our Warranty Program.

Quick & easy refinancing process

number 1 circle icon

Apply online in minutes with promo code PREQUALIFYAUTO1

number 2 circle icon

Get approved to refinance your loan in 1-4 business days4

number 3 circle icon

After approval, enjoy 90 days of no monthly car payments upon request3

number 4 circle icon

Save money with your new interest rate and lower monthly payments

FAQs: You Asked. We Answered.

Auto Prescreen

Can I apply to refinance an amount larger than $10,000?
Yes, you can apply for an amount larger than $10,000, but $10,000 is the minimum amount.
Does being pre-qualified affect my credit score?
No, being pre-qualified has no effect on your credit score.
Will I be charged any fees to refinance?
At Connexus, we don’t believe in nickel-and-diming. So when you refinance, you won’t be charged any annual fees, application fees, or prepayment penalties, and you won’t have any funds due at closing.
Is the refinancing process difficult or time-consuming?

We make refinancing as quick and easy as possible! In just four simple, stress-free steps, we’ll help you lower your rate and payment. Here’s how it works:

  1. Apply online in minutes or by calling 800.845.5025 by entering your current loan and payment details
  2. Get approved to refinance your loan in 1-4 business days4
  3. After approval, enjoy 90 days of no monthly car payments upon request3
  4. Save money with your new interest rate and lower monthly payments thereafter
Where can I find my pre-qualified offer?
Your personalized, pre-qualified offer may have arrived via postcard, letter, or email. If you can not locate your offer, please contact us and we’d be happy to assist.
Does being pre-qualified mean I am guaranteed to be approved?
No, being pre-qualified simply means that based on your current loan details and a preliminary credit check, you are likely to be approved. There is no guarantee that your application will be approved.
Why should I refinance my existing auto loan?
Refinancing is a great way to lower your interest rate and monthly loan payment. It could save you a significant amount of money over time.


1 To access your pre-qualified loan, enter promotion code PREQUALIFYAUTO between 10/3/2022 and 11/1/2022. All rates accurate as of 10/3/2022 and are subject to change. Minimum loan amount is $10,000. Loan term must be at least 24 months. Payments calculated on a loan amount of $15,000. Individual rates and terms may vary and include all eligible discounts. Certain restrictions may apply. Offer does not apply to loans currently financed at Connexus Credit Union. Offer subject to change or termination.

2 To be eligible for the lowest available rate, term length restrictions apply. Model years 2018-2020 have a maximum term of 84 months. Model years 2016-2020 have a maximum term of 72 months. Model years 2015 and older have a maximum term length of 60 months.

3 Interest begins accruing upon disbursal of loan. Deferred payment available upon credit approval. Some restrictions apply. Deferred payments may not exceed 90 days. Deferment must be requested at time of application.

4 Processing and approval typically is complete in one to four business days, but contingent on member’s timely submittal of all required paperwork. Delayed submittals may add time to the approval process.

You can choose to stop receiving “prescreened” offers of credit from this and other companies by calling toll-free 1-888-567-8688. See PRESCREEN & OPT-OUT NOTICE below for more information about prescreened offers.

PRESCREEN & OPT-OUT NOTICE: This “prescreened” offer of credit is based on information in your credit report indicating that you meet certain criteria. This offer is not guaranteed if you do not meet our criteria. If you do not want to receive prescreened offers of credit from this and other companies, call Experian at 1-888-5OPT OUT (567 8688) or visit the website at; or write: Experian, P.O. Box 919, Allen, TX 75013.